Portable Tea Set 2005  

The Japanese tea ceremony of the future
Today, commuting times which take about an a hour are almost normal.
It is estimated that in the near future commuting times might even increase to a great extended, as we are heading towards a totally mobile society.

But what will happen to all the rituals and ceremonies which formed the basis of our culture, when in the future we spend so much time in transition?
The idea of this project is to find future ways of communication by keeping old rituals alive for a mobile society.
For this project I researched the tea ceremony in Japan. The tea ceremony or "sado" is not just one specific way to make tea.
Its purpose is much more about deepening the conversation between the person who prepares the tea and the person who drinks it.
To perform the tea ceremony a lot of equipment is needed which cannot be carried around easily. It is basically a non-portable ritual.
How can this ritual survive in a mobile society?
This is where the sado-go tea ceremony set comes in. It is compact and portable and it allows you to share a wonderful time wherever you like, whenever you want and with whom you like. Strangers being together in a public space,commuting from one place to the next can find a way to get together to share a moment of piece and conversation with a relaxing cup of tea.
This adds unknown value to lost time spend in commuting.