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Workshop Part 2 in IASPIS

17 January, 2011

Re-designing a domestic sound-scape

Workshop med produktdesignern och elektroniska musikskaparen Yuri Suzuki

Tid onsdag 26 januari 2011, kl 9:00 – 17.00
Plats Projektrummet, Iaspis, Konstnärsnämnden, Maria skolgata 83, 2 tr
One day I found great kettle designed by Richard Sapper. The kettles’ beautiful sound plays the notes C and D and sounds like small locomotive. Inspired by this, I made a kettle of my own. A musical kettle, which became part of the series’ re-design sound scape’. As the kettle boils it whistles your favorite tune… I want to contribute to the design of daily domestic noises: alarms, mobile phones, a doorbell; I have the opinion that not enough thought has been given to the noises they produce.

Yuri Suzuki

Genom att använda det till synes simpla ljudet från en dörrklocka som utgångspunkt, har Yuri Suzukis workshop som mål att analysera och föreslå alternativ till de generiska ljudlandskap som finns i vår vardag, som vi tar för givet. Vad skulle en viskande dörrklacka ha för effekt? Och hur skulle vi – som besökare eller värd – tolka fågelsång eller skällande hundar? Vad händer om det första intrycket störs av ett oväntat ljud? Kan dörrklockans ljud påverka själva definitionen av gästfrihet? Deltagarna kommer att ges möjlighet att själva tillverka en dörrklocka under den här en-dags-workshopen. Material till ett dörrklocksutvecklings-kit, som akrylplast, elektromagnetiska spolar, olika ställdon, manöverorgan och antennmotorer, kontakter, kopplingar och knappar kommer finnas på plats.

Förberedelser: Ta med ett favoritljud, det skulle kunna vara glas, leksaksinstrument eller dylikt, som kommer att användas i workshopen.

Obs! Det kommer inte att finnas plats för så många deltagare, bara ca 10 personer

Anmäl er senast måndag 21  januari till projektkoordinator Sara Teleman: [email protected]
Yuri Suzuki

Yuri föddes i Tokyo 1980. Han arbetade för den japanska samtidskonstenheten MAYWA DENKI 1999 – 2005, där han utvecklade ett starkt intresse för musik och teknik. 2005 flyttade Yuri till London för att studera på Royal College of Art. Under studietiden arbetade han för YAMAHA. Efter examen 2008 öppnade Yuri sin egen studio. Yuri Suzukis verk ställer frågor om relationen mellan ljud och människor och hur musik och ljud påverkar oss. Hans verksamhet kan beskrivas som interdisciplinär och sträcker sig över konst, design, musik, kultur, nationalitet, genus och ålder. Hans arbeten utvecklas i kommunikation med andra och han har samarbetat med formgivare, konstnärer och organisationer som Åbäke, Jerszy Seymour Design Workshop, ECAL Schweiz, Fendi och Design Miami. För närvarande skapar Yuri projekt under resor och ateljévistelser och har ställt ut över hela världen, till exempel på OK Centrum (Österrike), MUDAM (Luxemburg), Nam June Paik Art Center (Sydkorea), Museum of Modern Art Tokyo (Japan), Laboral (Spanien). 2009 fick Suzuki ett hedersomnämnande i Ars Electronica. Han arbetar just nu på sin första bok som ska publiceras 2011. www.yurisuzuki.com

Re-designing a domestic sound-scape

Workshop with product designer and electronic music composer Yuri Suzuki

Time Wednesday 26h of January, 9 am – 5 pm
Place the project room, Iaspis, Konstnärsnämnden, Maria skolgata 83, 2 floor

One day I found great kettle designed by Richard Sapper. The kettles’ beautiful sound plays the notes C and D and sounds like small locomotive. Inspired by this, I made a kettle of my own. A musical kettle, which became part of the series’ re-design sound scape’. As the kettle boils it whistles your favorite tune… I want to contribute to the design of daily domestic noises: alarms, mobile phones, a doorbell; I have the opinion that not enough thought has been given to the noises they produce.

Yuri Suzuki

Using the seemingly trite sound of a door bell as its starting point, this workshop aims at analyzing and suggesting alternatives to the generic sound-scapes of everyday life that we often take for granted.  What effect would a whispering or moaning doorbell have? How would we interpret bird songs or the sound of barking dogs – as visitor or host? What happens if the first impression is disturbed by an unexpected sound? Can the sound of a doorbell have an effect on the very notion of hospitality? All participants will have the possibility to produce a door bell of their own during this one-day workshop. Material for a doorbell development kit, such as acrylic block, solenoids, various actuators and switches, will be supplied.

Pre-preparations: Please bring your favourite sound to the workshop; it could perhaps be glasses, toy musical instruments and so on which we will use in the workshop.

Yuri Suziki, (JP/GB) is an Iaspis grant-holder in Stockholm 1 Nov 2010 – 31 Jan 2011, a collaboration with Tokyo Wondersite.
Please note! There is only room for a limited amount of participants, around 10 people

RSVP before the 21st of January to project coordinator Sara Teleman: [email protected]

Yuri Suzuki

Yuri was born in Tokyo in 1980. He worked for Japanese contemporary art unit MAYWA DENKI from 1999 to 2005, where he developed a strong interest in music and technology. In 2005 he moved to London to study at the Royal College of Art. During this time he worked for YAMAHA and after his graduation in 2008 he opened his own studio.  Suzuki’s work raises questions of the relation between sound and people and how music and sound affect people’s mind. Also it can be said that his activity is cross border, in the context of between art, design, music, culture, nationality, gender and age. His work always developed during communication with other perspectives. He had collaborated with designers, artists and organization such as Abake, Jerszy Seymour Design Workshop, ECAL Switzerland, Fendi and Design Miami. Now he is creating and develop projects during traveling and residency and has shown his works around the world including OK centrum (Austria) , MUDAM (Luxembourg), Nam June Paik art center (South Korea), Museum of Modern Art Tokyo (Japan), Laboral (Spain). In 2009, Suzuki awarded as honorary mention for Ars Electronica. Currently, he is working for his first book which will be published in 2011. www.yurisuzuki.com

Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s international programme for practitioners in the areas of visual art, design, craft and architecture. Our mission is to enable artists in Sweden to develop artistically as well as expanding their international viewpoint by establishing international contacts between individual practitioners and institutions. Iaspis has a residency programme and a public programme of lectures, seminars and exhibitions both in Sweden and abroad.