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  • Synth Play

    A sound installation using giant inflatables to create an abstract way of making music

    Synth Play uses primitive movements to create a musical interface which a person uses their body to physically interact with the installation to create a sensory experience, encouraging people to play and have fun making music in a unusual way.

    Synth Play is made up of 5 units creating an abstract way of making music. Moving the inflatables around the space sets off sensors which manipulate the sound track being played as well as controlling lighting and smells! When you entered the installation it was up to the visitor to change the atmosphere, exploring your nostalgia and creating a whole new environment depending on the sound or smell.

    The installation was shown at the We Are Robots music festival in East London at the Truman Brewery. The event explored the ideas and movements that are propelling the future of the music industry.

    Synth Play collaborated with Raven who are an exciting Chinese tech company that are developing the next generation of operating systems based on artificial intelligence and new interactions.